Reset your Spirit

Happy New Year, it’s 2020! Let’s walk boldly into this new year, this next decade wrapped in the faith of our God, confident and courageous in who we are. Who we were created to be is not some mistake or fluke, we are a necessity. We matter and have a voice and a purpose.

Last year my word for the year was courage. This year my word for 2020 is peace. It is all about the peace that comes from God, which not only brings me inner peace but joy and satisfaction with who I am in addition to happiness. Psalms 31:3 “For you are my rock and my fortress” which means that God is my foundation, my shelter, and my protection. A foundation supports you and keeps you balanced through everything that comes at you in life.

Life can be hard, disappointing, yet it can also be happy and joyful. It depends upon your perspective and how you view God’s role in your life. No matter what happens, I believe that God will always be with me. Whether I’m trying to be more healthy by exercising and eating better, launching a new creative project, managing my responsibilities with my children and my husband, and even trying to be a better me in Christ with God at the helm of my life, I can maneuver through life with an ease in my spirit that I would not have if it weren’t for the blessings of God and his peace.

In 2019, my word was courage and God gave me the drive to see some things through that I had put off because I was afraid. Number one on that list was going back to school. As a wife and mother the challenge of going back to school while caring for children seemed daunting yet, I was able to not only do it but, I thrived as an older student in a way that I had not when I was younger. Had it not been for a dark moment when things fell apart and the opportunity to go back to school presented itself, I would not have gone back. It was during this uncertainty where I could not see the future, however, God saw it and knew it was the right time for me. He gave me the nudge and continued to support me even when obstacles popped up.

One of those obstacles was that my husband had his first stroke and I cried out to God for help because I didn’t want to stop school as I had done so many times before. That was only through the courage that God gave me to finish that I actually completed my degree and now have a new opportunity to pursue graduate school. Without God, I would not have my degree. I know people will say that your hard work is what granted you that degree, although, I know that my effort alone was not enough. My belief in God is strong and I know that when I pray he answers my prayers whether it’s small or large, dire or easy, my God is always there.

A new year, a new decade means resolutions and promises that potentially are to increase one’s wellbeing mentally and physically. However, I would add that without God it will not matter what you try to do. In 2020, as a society, we are facing many difficulties. Poverty, crime, racism, war, and an increasing disconnection among people is growing. Suicide is increasing while the number of people who are diagnosed as depressed has increased in number. Mass shootings fill our news outlets daily and we have grown numb to it. Through all of this, God still sits on the throne. I don’t have the answers to any of the above-mentioned issues, yet, I know that to combat each problem we need God in our lives.

Not to be a Debbie-Downer, I know that I alone cannot solve all of the world’s problems, however, I know that if I make changes to my life and work on myself and my community then that is a start.  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” This verse always reminds me to have hope in spite of all that is going on around me, which is exactly why we need to have a foundation in God.

My hope for you is that whatever are the desires of your heart that God grants your aspiration and that you will remain in him. Let 2020 be your year where you overcome the obstacles in your life and allow God to lift you above whatever has held you back. Reset your thinking and your spirit and walk boldly into who you were meant to be. Make this the best year of your life. Let’s soar together.

Stop Living in Fear

There are only a few more days in 2019 and that means 2020 is almost here. A new year, a new decade will soon be upon us and I don’t know about you, but, I’ve learned some hard lessons this year. I’ve pushed myself to achieve some amazing goals this year and still faced some tremendous hurt and pain. Growth is essential just as change is inevitable and if we are to reap what we have sown then we must adhere to the lessons in front of us. I want to share some things that I have learned over this last year.


  1. Love yourself and find value in who you are. You matter.
  2. I’m responsible for my happiness, no one else’s.
  3. For a person to have potential they must recognize that; it is not up to me or anyone else to recognize it for that individual. They must see it on their own.
  4. Leave the past in the past. Not everything is a mistake, sometimes it’s a disappointment.
  5. It is my job to hold people accountable for how they treat me.
  6. No one needs another person to complete them. A companion joins another independent person to make a set to enhance their life.
  7. Once you acknowledge your struggles now you can work through them and make informed decisions.
  8. Fear is a scary place to live in, however, if we make decisions based on fear we may end up in regret.


In 2020, I want to stop living in fear and begin to live life in faith. I know that God has delivered me from some pain, struggle, depression, doubt, suicide, and sadness. Now I want to live in the light and not darkness. An attitude of positive expectancy has come over me. I can see my desires and goals and I never want to veer from this path. Fear will keep you trapped and repeating cycles of behavior because you don’t want to admit that you’re afraid.


In 2019, I finally completed my degree, which took a huge amount of courage to go back to school. As a wife and mother with much more responsibility it was more difficult to balance and maintain home, children, husband, and professional obligations. However, God blessed me to make it through and encourage others to go back and achieve their dreams. I can see the path that is laid out before me. Graduate school is not just a possibility, it’s a certainty. Two years ago, I produced my first play and in 2020, I want to produce my first film.


My children are thriving and I feel more confident in my decision-making abilities, which took a hit when I was going through my battle with depression. Indecisiveness filled me and held me, hostage, while the world moved on without a beat. Depression made me feel like I was trapped in darkness and that time elapsed slowly.

I tried to ignore it by being busy, but it wasn’t enough of a distraction. Unfortunately, depression makes you retreat into yourself especially when you need help the most. And I needed help. Therapy and walking daily helped to get me back on track. Acknowledging my struggles, pain and sadness allowed me to control my toxic thoughts. That process allowed me to discover some hard truths about myself and my life. It is still a struggle, however, each day I put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. I must not give up. I matter. It’s my responsibility to own my health and attitude.


2020 is almost here and I am going to walk into this New Year, this next decade free of the baggage and fear that has held me back. Anxiety and panic can no longer be my friends. God is leading me and directing me. My faith is strengthened because of what he has brought me through. He’s the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. Don’t let apprehension take away your joy and peace. If you’re living in fear take a look at what scares you and face it. Take away the power from fear. Allow yourself to thrive. Don’t allow fear to force you into something that is not for you, stop living in fear.